Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL)

  • What is our Peer-Led Teaming Learning (PLTL) study session?

    Small groups of students, 7 students or less, get together under the guidance of a peer leader. PLTL leader and students meet at least one hour per day for five days a week. This PLTL study session is a required component of Calculus classes. Peers and PLTL leader create their own group name and decide on when they will meet each day. The meeting time and place have to be consistent so they will have a concrete structure.

  • What is a PLTL leader?

    PLTL leader usually took Calculus I and/or II classes successfully. However, instructors who teach their Calculus classes can recommend their current students as PLTL leaders. In this case, usually PLTL leaders already took Calculus previously at their high school and/or know the materials really well and mature. PLTL leader is like a coach, demonstrating genuine personal concern for their peers and connecting with their peers using GroupMe, email, call, and/or other social media. PLTL leader is expected to be a good role model to the members of their groups. PLTL leaders, their supervising faculty, and Dr. Harris meet once a week to discuss any problems or issues and share good strategies to improve PLTL study sessions.

  • PLTL leader experience

    Ms. Lindsey presented her PLTL leader experiences at a regional Mathematical Association of America (MAA) meeting. Her presentation shows an overall picture of what PLTL study sessions and PLTL leaders are. PLTL slides